Trans Humanism Pt 5

A new summer blockbuster titled “Lucy”, starring megastar Scarlett Johansson is set to make a big haul at the box office. The movie, about a woman who is exposed to a drug that allows her to access the full use of her brain and attain superhuman powers, appears to be another example of the marketing of the transhumanism movement – which attempts to use technology to enhance humanity to the point of being immortals with godlike powers. All of this is the same deception Satan used on humanity in the Garden of Eden and draws people from believing in God into believing they can actually be god themselves.

Science and Lucifer work well together with the goal being the destruction of Gods most precious creation, you! How do you hate a God who tells you to love Him and all our neighbors as yourself, will fulfill the goal of the ten commandments. If you are not a Christian, it can only be that you love no one including yourself.

Science, supported by the major governments of the world, has a goal to recreate the earth as it was before God recreated it and added man. Looking at what trans humanism and what is being done throughout the world. You see that it is being sold as creating a world with no disease, pain or death. But the lie is very clear to anyone who has a brain larger than a grain of sand.

The agenda of the trans human despots is to eliminate all humans on planet earth and replace them with a hybrid. A hybrid that will obey their masters, the creators of what would eventually be a runaway train. When you create an entity that is connected to an AI driven software package, that never forgets and always learns from the past. Soon the results will be an entity that will destroy or enslave the original copy of itself. In my humble opinion that is a recipe for a calamity beyond anything we can imagine.

We are already being told of a life without end. A life without old age, disease, pain, massive strength and vitality. You will be as god and nothing you want will be outside your grasp! However the last time Lucifer tried to accomplish this trick, almost all life on earth was destroyed by a merciful but angry God! Have you ever met any person that you believe you can trust with this kind of power. The creation of a Frankenstein Monster that has the power to create a world like that envisioned by Hitler, Stalin, Castro, Pol Pot or Mao Zedong.

The world the globalist envision is not one that I choose to live in. They have seized control of the governments of the world and turned them into the engines of war against the God of creation. They use the resources of the world to create unspeakable evil. Boasting about their love for the poor to get votes and stay in power. All the while financing research into bacteria and virus that will kill multiplied millions. Changing the genetics of everything from plants and animals to human beings.

Our food supply has been in danger and is now infected with these new genetic concoctions. Salmon that are four times the size of a normal salmon. Corn is one of the basic grains in the food chain, now endangered as a dependable staple. Instead turned into fuel for the combustion engine. Many of the changes are designed to change the DNA of humans. Genetically modified foods (GMO foods) have been shown to cause harm to humans, animals, and the environment, and despite growing opposition, more and more foods continue to be genetically altered. It’s important to note that steering clear of these foods completely may be difficult, and you should merely try to find other sources than your big chain grocer. Our government is under the control of psychopathic and greedy people. People who make laws that will not even allow you to know which foods have been contaminated.

GMO Foods List: Top 10 Worst Foods

  • Corn. One of the most prominent GMO foods, avoiding corn is a no-brainer. …
  • Soy. Found in tofu, vegetarian products, soybean oil, soy flour, and numerous other products, soy is also modified to resist herbicides. …
  • Sugar. …
  • Aspartame. …
  • Papayas. …
  • Canola. …
  • Cotton. …
  • Dairy.

The days when common sense would protect you are gone. The only security we have is in God, if you have rejected Him you have no hope!

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