We in America vote for and allow the fruits and nuts to go to congress and prove that they don’t care what we want. Then we turn around and keep sending them back again and again. I am now firmly convinced that I live in a country of people that are nothing like the founding fathers who gave it all to found the nation! A nation of people who have no appreciation for the freedom they inherited and the morals of an in heat house cat. They get pregnant and then demand the right to murder the baby!
The God who has blessed this nation has had enough and has now placed this nation under judgment! We are now in the end time and will see Him show His displeasure. What the evil people in the current administration calls climate change hasn’t seen anything yet! As is His usual method I believe we will see the communist countries throughout the world. They will join hands and we will see why the current administration has put our country in a position where we are not able to defend ourselves. No one can make the mess we see in this country by accident.
Continue reading Fruits and Nuts!
Category: Publish Date
Freedom Ends!
When you allow the 2nd amendment to be compromised you are showing how little you value your freedom! The 2nd amendment states “shall not be comprised” and every time an attack on it reduces your freedom you should be outraged. The 2nd amendment guarantees all of the others and we would not have a country without guns!
We are now at a point that we can see the end of America just as the Bible predicts. Yes I maintain that America is mentioned in the Bible in spite of the fact that most pastors say it is not! The finish of America is dead ahead and will soon be in the rear view mirror. What it needs is a people with the love to back it up!!! In a country that would select Joe Biden as their president you need to expect that the worst that can happen will happen!
Climate Change!
Climate Change!
Did you know that climate change is real and that it has absolutely nothing to do with fossil fuels, cow farts, or anything of that nature! Actually I can show you that it was predicted even before Jesus was born. Now you can believe anything you want to believe. Actually the snake oil salesmen and women like Bill Gates, Joe Biden and John Kerry have declared war not only on the people but God also. They have dug themselves a tremendous grave! But as for me I choose to believe the truth!
Those who spin the lies are looking to make millions and enslave the entire world as well! The one world government grues who tell you “You will own nothing and be happy” are showing you how greedy people are very creative!
Last President
2024 will be the last time America thinks they have chosen a president. I’m sure you’ve heard the expression “the fix is in”! Well the Constitutional government in the American government will be over. It has been stolen because Americans didn’t appreciate what our founders bleed and died for! America will see one world government and God will allow these things happen because He is not appreciated by most people in the world. We have a traitor in the White House and the Constitution says we don’t have to allow it.
Soon Biden will set Americans up to have everything they own stolen from them! The dollar will be replaced with digital currency and the evil plan to rob you will be in place and you can kiss your hard work will all be to build a retirement will gone! If you thought anything normal would return you are delusional!
Daughter of Babylon!
Who knows what evil lurks in the hearts of man! God knows and predicted what would happen in the end of days! Evil grows many times faster than good and the wicked who possesses this evil has engulfed America in this the last days of the rule of man on earth! God will now take back what Adam gave Satan possession of in the Garden of Eden! Your laughter will die in your throats as you watch the next seven to ten years!
Only God could have predicted accurately what would happen in the days ahead! Most of the people who read this will dismiss it until it is too late for them to escape from the clutches of the wicked. Continue reading Daughter of Babylon!
God showed Nebuchadnezzar a view of the broad future of the world in a dream. Did you see it and do you really understand what you are looking at? I’ll bet if you saw it you don’t see the whole story that God revealed. Few people believe that we are in the end of the church age. I am shocked at the people who say they are a true believer in God yet still can find a reason to think these are not the last days!
No I don’t think the world will end soon however I see this as the end of God allowing man to rule himself! God promises the return of Jesus and to put an end to the chaos that the wicked have planned for thousands of years. We are about to see both the beginning and the end of the rule of the so called elites! They plan your extinction and say the new date to have it is 2025 down from 2030, according to what I have heard.
The problem for America is that our problem is Domestic Terrorism. When the criminal element is in your own camp and the whole deal is prepared for in your own government No one wants to believe that it is an inside job but it was and all setup over about two hundred and forty-seven years!
Set Your Schedule!
Who sets the priorities at your house Satan or God? That may sound like insanity to you but most people if they are honest will tell you that they set them. But that being true we still need to know if they make decisions only based on what Gods word says or if they say they have to accept the reality that they don’t know when Jesus will come for them and if He should tarry they must have done the safe thing and decided based on the fact that they will probably still be here years from now!
That almost certainly was true twenty years ago but if we are paying attention we know that all governments are now centers of organized crime! The one world government promised by God is now in complete control. Within ten years the rapture will have happened and anyone still alive can safely assume they are either blessed or very lucky possibly both!
In America the government of by and for the people has been stolen from a lazy people who failed their children and grand children. The people you chose to represent you in Washington DC have long since given you the middle finger and stolen everything you thought was yours!
The clock has been ticking for a long time but if you are paying attention you know everything is different now! The world has moved into the last phase before the great tribulation begins. Only those who know their Bible can see it and the majority of the worlds population will have no idea what’s happening. They believe the lie that the new world order is the beginning of a great new life experience. Just as in the days of Noah they will be swept into their destruction and by the time they understand what is happening the trap will slam shut leaving no way out! When God shut the trap on Noah’s ark it was too late for the people outside. Scream and beg wouldn’t work and they all perished. That is exactly the coming scenario for millions who hoped there wasn’t a God who was done being told to get out of the world He had created thousands or maybe millions of years ago!
The first sign that something is not going to pass the smell test is “no scrutiny is allowed”. Misinformation and you can’t talk about this or there will be dire consequences! That is exactly what we are seeing as the merging of socialism and fascism takes place throughout the world. Actually it is Communism and Nazism principals are put in place worldwide! Fulfilling Bible prophecy to the letter and we will not find the courage on planet earth to stop it. If your argument won’t stand being scrutinized you must attack your detractors and eliminate them at all cost!
Not just in the book of Revelation but throughout the Old and New Testaments. Death rate worldwide will skyrocket as the wicked among us eliminate all who dare to oppose them! Yes the Bible is true and this is the end times!
War Crimes!
Most who will read this are not old enough to realize the serious nature of it all. Even in Europe and Israel people may have a faint understanding of it all. However when an individual decides that he is God and develops a plan to murder millions of people he must be stopped at all costs! In the case of what we see now it is billions of people are scheduled to be murdered and few people seem to see the problem. During WWII we thought we saw the worst of this but today we are starting what the wicked among us are capable of! If you are a serious Bible student you know what is happening and that God is the only answer! But if you choose not to know your enemies you give them a serious advantage over you! As made clear by God in the following verse of scripture!
Hosea 4: 6
(6) My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou hast rejected knowledge, I will also reject thee, that thou shalt be no priest to me: seeing thou hast forgotten the law of thy God, I will also forget thy children.
In my opinion to ignore that advice from God is to tell Him you trust your opinion more than you do His!