If the Bible isn’t true, I have lost nothing. But the prophecies of the end of the Church Age are being fulfilled daily. Look around you, are we not headed for one world government. This was predicted in the distant past, right down to the last details. God knew from the foundation of the world that the evil among us would never stop trying to enslave the entire globe.
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American Values!
America does not have many Americans anymore! An American is a person who would rather die instead of embracing Communist-Socialist values.
We live in a country that the majority of our government now believes is in need of changing all of the values set forth by the fore fathers. We hear many candidates for public office advocating socialist programs that promise to give free stuff to anybody they believe need it. There is no such thing as free stuff. Somebody always pays for it by being extorted by those who promised it to get your vote. It never ceases to be a legalized robbery. If that were not the case there would never be a law that made it a mandate! But the longest line will always for when they believe it won’t cost them anything, but someone always pays. There will be a new world order because the current world is ruled by the foolish.
What Is A Globalist?
Definition of globalism – Merriam-Webster
: a national policy of treating the whole world as a proper sphere for political influence
Definition of Globalism – Cambridge Dictionary
someone who believes that economic and foreign policy should be planned in an international way, rather than according to what is best for one particular country :
My definition:
A Globalist is a criminal who has looked over the fence and said. ” It isn’t right for anyone accept an elitest to own anything. Everything including the individual his or her self belongs to the whole world community. As such they must share everything with everyone in the world community. Example: Nobody in the world, except an elite, has two pairs of shoes unless all non-elites have two pairs of shoes!”
Climate Change Lies!
Climate Change the Big Lie!
Climate change is real but the cause being fossil fuels is a lie. Whats more those current or former members of Congress, know it’s a lie. How do I know, Congress approved the program and is funding it! Anyone in Congress who tells you that they believe in the science should tell you what science they refer to. Climate change is caused by a military program that is designed to do everything from weather control to mind control and beyond! A program managed by the U. S. Navy and Air Force. The Air Force even launched a come and see program to try to convince the sheep that it wasn’t what they thought it was. But it is all part of the giant cover up to try to hide what most governments in the world are aware of. Why do governments like British, Russian, China and the list goes on. Many governments have a similar military program and do the same thing as the U. S. government!
Haarp Angels Don’t Play!
HAARP The Angels Won’t Play!
The High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program (HARRP). This program is the reason Al Gore, Barack Obama and all of the Global Warming prophets were able to come up with Climate Change Predictions!
Our government has been boiling the atmosphere. The US Navy and Air Force attack the system God put in place to filter and maintain life on earth! A system first proposed by Nikola Tesla to provide free electricity for you. Has been hijacked and you will never see one amp of free electricity from it.
Home of the Brave!
99% of Americans are sheep going to the slaughter and have no idea. What is about to happen in America will make what Hitler did look very mild! Rights to everything you believe you own will be gone. You may have two pairs of shoes or a hundred, all gone as soon as they are discovered by the resource police. That beautiful home you worked, saved for or made payments on for thirty years. You don’t own it anymore. Two cars what are you doing hording all this stuff for. We will allow you a bicycle with a small basket on it. You say it will never happen but the laws are already in place to see to that it does.
Are You Paying Attention?
If you are blaming the Democrats for what is going on in our government, you are only half right! If you blame President Donald Trump, you aren’t paying attention!
Since early in the 19th century Americans have been the target of the Globalists-Masons! The thrust to convert America to a slave state. The two major political parties have always been one and the same. As far as the goals and intent there has been no alternative. When we went to the polls we were voting for a Globalist society. Almost all of the candidates were going to take our country to a predetermined destination!
Rise and Fall of the Elites!
The elites of the world have been guiding the world down a broad path. Thinking they knew where they were going. But reaching their destination they will finally realize their mistake. But with no more opportunity to change course, they are doomed! They shall now face the torment they deserve for their thousands of years of evil deeds.
Having dealt in a devious manner for all of their lives. They believed that following Lucifer was the wise thing to do. Now the God they didn’t believe in will judge them for He is the Supreme Court!
Washington DC has controlled much of the affairs of the entire world for many years. It was designed and built by people who believed they could stick their collective fingers in eyes of God, now not so much!
If God Has Ruled!
God is the owner and ruler of all things in the earth. Like it or don’t like it, that is the way it is! To believe we can change any of His laws is the height of stupidity. At the end of the church age He will judge the entire world. That judgment will be based on His laws that He has published in His word, the Bible! There is no way to say “I will change the definition of this or that and get around the laws of God”. To think that will work is arrogant and dimwitted. But there are lots of people who actually believe that they have power greater than the power of almighty God! The greatest calamity of all of time is about to happen. Multiplied millions will suffer great a huge surprise and pay a great price!