The Constitution gives all Americans the right to end the direction America is going. However if they refuse to stand up and tell the leaders of the government that they don’t have their support anymore. God has the duty to see them as supporting the evil that America does each and every day. Yes, silence is the same as acceptance in a country where the government is: “we the people”! Just a very short look around should convince you that America is the leader of corruption in the world. We are either financing or committing everything from child trafficking to out right murder and much more! Our populace is covered in blood from head to toe. No it didn’t just start it has been going on from the first day there was an America! Our parents, great great grand parents, grand parents and us we are all guilty! So for years now anyone who speaks up will be silenced, from the general laborer to the White House will be silenced if they are seen to disagree with the globalist mob who controls our lives!
Category: Publish Date
Who Has Wisdom!
God tells us that we will receive wisdom from Him if we seek it. However, He does not promise He will give us wisdom so we can fortify what we already believe. So lets use our God given wisdom to go into His word to prove that America is in the word of God!
I find very few people who believe America is in the Bible. But it is and I will show you where and if you won’t see it you don’t have God Given Wisdom! Among those who claim America isn’t in the Bible are pastors who claim to know the God who created them.
In our day we are fulfilling Bible Prophecy at breakneck speed! Yet many people are still asking God to return our world to what they perceive as normal. Not understanding that what we see as normal is repugnant to God. But He has promised that He will give us a new normal in the end time and this is it!
America’s Future!
America has become so corrupt that it is not possible for it to survive another quarter century! Amazing as it may seem it is because good men did nothing as the evil among us took the reigns of the nation and turned America directly into a sewer! Brave men and women established America almost two hundred and fifty years ago. They worked hard and for the most part lived a clean and moral life. All the while there were the evil among us who kept working hard to corrupt all that was decent and good. Now they have taken control away from the people who established the nation. They see their goal dead ahead and will not be denied. Because of the lack of a firm commitment to God. Those of good character have allowed the sewer rats to bring America to a point where everything immoral and evil is suddenly held up as right!
Updated Hitler Plan!
Take a good look at what Hitler did before the end of WWII and compare it to what you see happening right now today! Hitler tried to exterminate the Jewish People. Look at what America did after World War Two and you will see that many of the key people in Hitlers Administration were brought to America. America was busy assembling the plan to create the New One World Order you see coming to reality right now! If you are honest in your heart and fit the pieces together you will quickly see that the conspiracy had already begun. The children of those conspirators have completed the work that their fathers, grandfathers, and great grandfathers had laid the foundation for! Now we see another Hitler is continuing the work of the first Hitler!
Mark of the Beast!
Revelation 19: 20
(20) And the beast was taken, and with him the false prophet that wrought miracles before him, with which he deceived them that had received the mark of the beast, and them that worshipped his image. These both were cast alive into a lake of fire burning with brimstone.
Only those persons with the wisdom to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior will be able too understand that we are now in the setup phase to establish One World Government. All of this has been in scripture for thousands of years but the majority of the world population has rejected it! Today Bible prophecy is being fulfilled rapidly. Will you be one of those who live and reign with Jesus Christ or are you going to prefer to go to hell. There are only two choices available too you Heaven or Hell, your choice!
If you are a person that believes that you came from the line of monkeys that inhabit our earth. It will be very hard for you to make the only wise choice here. The majority of the populace will choose the monkey because they hate Jesus Christ. The only one who loves you enough to die for you!
Useful Idiot – 1
Useful Idiot!
I should be writing a book but no there is not enough time for that! When you read the Holy Bible and not all versions are truly la-get! The only version I trust is the original King James Version. You can’t read it for the purpose of really knowing God and not see that He knew from the very beginning that man could not govern himself. He allowed man to prove that the evil self-appointed always grasp control and take what is not theirs just as they are doing today! They are willing to murder all who disagree with them. In this section I will deal with the federal government and its counterparts. Unfortunately most people don’t read or even own a Bible and have no idea who God really is. Even worse most who stand in the pulpits of America don’t read the Bible with the goal of knowing God and do it as a job.
Continue reading Useful Idiot – 1
If you are not a Born Again Christian right now, you have an emergency setting in the center of your lap right now! Everything that the Federal Government is doing now is designed to provoke you into getting a gun and going to the streets. The purpose is to give them an excuse to declare Martial Law! Everything that is being done too you is illegal and they know that the Constitution prohibits them from doing the things they are doing! The January six arrests and the commission is illegal and everyone in the government who supports it should be in jail. The Bible predicted One World Government and if you still can’t accept Jesus as your Savior. You are willingly deceived and will be here for the party the elites have planned for you!
Have I got your attention and do you realize what is happening in your world? There is a plan to reduce the world population so we can stop global climate change! There are more of us than there are of them but they are aggressively working to eliminate everyone but them. COVID is just the beginning of their sick effort and the vaccine only extends their evil plan. If you doubt that organized crime exists at all the highest levels in our government you are not paying attention. America’s Front line Doctors would like to give you a look at what is really happening.
If you are a Christian you know that end of the church age prophecy is being fulfilled as you read this. But people who only give lip service to believing the Bible as truth that cannot be changed, only fulfilled, are everywhere! It doesn’t matter how you pray or what you pray prophecy will be fulfilled! Something that non Christians don’t understand is that God created all things and therefore owns all things! He has tolerated the evil actions of the greedy for thousands of years. But He told us in His word that there was a limit to His patience and that at the appointed time He would judge the entire population of the world and eliminate those who just weren’t capable of accepting and living a holy life! He gave us the signs to look for so we would know when He had reached that time of judgment. The signs are clear and this is the time for the reconcile all things, God will now separate the sheep from the goats!
Who Is Jesus
Who Is Jesus?
Jesus was born into a family of God’s chosen people. Therefore:
Jesus is a Jew.
Jesus is a human being. Therefore:
Jesus is made in the image of God. Therefore:
Jesus is a spirit.
But then we must look deeper to see the whole truth in answering the question. In point of fact it brings us to other questions that we shall develop as we go into the heart of who and what God and man really is. I know most people probably don’t ever give any thought. However I shall take you to some those places in this article!
Those who have rejected Jesus or decided to put off making a commitment to Him by accepting His pardon for their sin. Will soon find that they have made a grave mistake in judgment.
He is the creator of all things and yet unlike all other humans! He loves everybody and wants all to be saved. But gives you the freedom to choose the future you want to have! He freely gives to you the right to live in a world without sin or be banished from His creation.