If we lament about the shortness of our natural life. Shouldn’t we take a serious look at the possibility that life itself may not be short at all? If we have studied, not just read, the word of God. We will see that the prophets of old had a much different view of life than our society has now. Our society lives for today and the things we are told is most important. Maybe we should look at those who make an over educated opinion about what is important. Most of the people that come out of our education system have a lot of opinions based on a view that excludes God. They discount anything that puts limits on what they want to do. Believing that the existence of God is not relevant to them and their plans for their lives! However when they finally get to a point where they finally think there may actually be a God. They have passed the point of actually changing their final destination!
Category: Publish Date
Booz, Allen, Hamilton
The CIA gives the orders and Booz, Allen Hamilton manages the traffic flow all designed by the Dulles brothers. General Eisenhower warned about the military industrial complex on, Jan 17, 1961. War is a business for those who run the CIA. The years after World War II began a deep erosion of the rights of Americans. Don’t get me wrong I’m not saying it wasn’t happening before that. But it went into high gear after the war that was said to be the war to end all wars. What has happened since then has been an all out assault on the liberty of the American people.
A Great Mystery!
The Declaration of Independence was the beginning of the formation of America. In that document we see these words: “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed, by their Creator, with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness.”
Abort The Democrat Party!
Why should we require elected officials to swear an oath and then not hold them responsible for what they do? About 80% of all Republicans are not really supporting the elected President Donald J Trump. It is very close to 100% for the Democrats. If you want to be in the government you should be required to place your hand on the Holy Bible and swear to support the Constitution. Then if you fail to support the person who won the election you should be sent home, period! The criminals who don’t want to support the will of the people should not be allowed to hold the job they were elected to fill if they refuse to support the will of the American people.
America A Christian Nation?
Can a nation make the murder of millions of its most vulnerable citizens legal, while speaking of their values? Having a pious attitude about how wonderful they are after murdering over fifty million helpless babies. Is it any wonder that the criminals in a country that would do such a dastardly thing, have no hesitation to murder someone for twenty five bucks? Can that nation actually be considered to be an honorable people when they show such disdain for human life? We went to war with Germany because we valued human life. Now seventy years later our culture is like unto a sewer!
Judgment of America!
America was founded as no other country in the world, freedom for the people. No monarch, king or dictator was to ever be at its head. Term limits and the people choosing who would get the job. But as politicians got more and more bold they began to make changes that would reduce the power of the electorate. They even have the gall to take huge salaries and then raise those salaries without the consent of the electorate. To add insult to injury they claimed to be serving the public while making larger salaries that the members of the electorate.
21st Century Reality
The America that was created by our founders is all but gone. The men who created it knew that to keep it we would have to take seriously the fact that there would always be evil people who would want to roll back the changes they had built into the new government. Those who saw them, still today believe that only they have a right to rule the masses. They don’t believe you and I have the intelligence to make our own laws and plan our own destiny. A government of by and for the people was just not what the elites wanted.
21st Century Criminals!
The criminals of the 21st century have two main categories. The evil elite and those empowered by the evil elite! The evil elite can’t stand to see those they believe are below them, have any of the fruits of a hard working human being. Cars, trucks, houses and all of the things we buy with the money we earn by working.
The Last Evil Empire!
The last evil empire has been in the making for more than two thousand years. In our day we will see the rise of the one John tells us of in the book of Revelation. He will be the epitome of evil and there will be many who will believe the lies he tells them because they never wanted to believe the truth of the word of God. They will make their place in hell most certain with each day they align themselves with him. His only goal is to deceive them and separate them from the love of God!
God is the Bar!
The globalist believe they can outwit God and upgrade humans to a point where they will never judgment, now how stupid is that? As we look at what is happening in our society today. We see the scientist creating what they call trans-human people. They say they will upgrade the human body to make it better. God already has a plan for that, it’s called (being born again). When you go to heaven you get a new body that is far greater than any scientist can create.